Do you know how healthy your current finances are? Are you aware of your current net worth? Do you have anxiety about if you’re saving enough, or if you’re spending too much? In Financial Health 101, we’re teaming up with expert Lauren Giroday to go over how to assess your current financial situation (i.e. creating a current personal financial budget), how to actually save more money, and what to do with your savings! How can you know where you’re going without know where you’re currently at? Join us for this incredibly informative workshop with some really helpful resources you can take with you!
Originally recorded on: March 8th, 2022
Do you know how healthy your current finances are? Are you aware of your current net worth? Do you have anxiety about if you’re saving enough, or if you’re spending too much? In Financial Health 101, we’re teaming up with expert Lauren Giroday to go over how to assess your current financial situation (i.e. creating a current personal financial budget), how to actually save more money, and what to do with your savings! How can you know where you’re going without know where you’re currently at? Join us for this incredibly informative workshop with some really helpful resources you can take with you!
Originally recorded on: March 8th, 2022
Lauren Giroday
Lauren is the CFO for a group of community-minded funds that invest in and develop affordable housing across Canada. She's passionate about finance for good, and loves sharing knowledge to empower others to manage their own finances.